
PRP Facials: FAQs

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PRP Facials: FAQs

PRP Facials: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a natural, non-surgical treatment that could restore skin to the smoothness and tightness of youth? At Prosperity Heath, board certified Bloomfield Hills, MI Internist Dr. Nishath Hakim now offers her patients just that. The incredible PRP facial is a skin rejuvenation treatment that is completely natural, non-surgical and can take years off of a person’s appearance.

In this article, we will answer some of the most common questions our patients ask us about PRP Facials for skin rejuvenation.

What is a PRP Facial?

During the PRP Facial, a vial of the patient’s blood is extracted from the arm, similar to the process of getting a routine blood test.  The fluid part of the blood -called plasma- is then separated from the red and white blood cells using a centrifuge.

The remaining “platelet rich plasma” (PRP) contains high levels of platelets which are the components of the blood containing the body’s “growth factors”.  The plasma is then injected into the treatment area, using either a fine syringe or through microneedling.

How does the PRP Facial Rejuvenate Skin?

Healthy young skin looks smooth and plump because of high levels of collagen and elastin. However, as the skin ages, production of these vital elements decreases, and facial sagging, wrinkles and fine lines develop.

But the healing properties of platelet rich plasma (PRP) stimulate renewed production of collagen and elastin to reduce lines and wrinkles, and improve overall facial tone and texture.

What does Microneedling do during a PRP Facial?

Microneedling refers to the process of using ultra-fine, sterile, clinical-grade needles to create tiny micro-piercings in the skin.

At our Bloomfield Hills, MI area office, we use medical grade microneedling during the PRP Facial to penetrate the skin as deeply as possible – which delivers the PRP to the skin cells deep within the dermis.

Additionally, the tiny “wounds” created by microneedling stimulate the body’s natural healing and regeneration processes, including the production of elastin and collagen. This in turn also leads to even smoother, fuller, younger-looking skin as the body naturally repairs itself.

What Conditions does PRP Facial Treat?

At Prosperity Health in the Bloomfield Hills, MI area, we offer PRP Facial as a way to remove wrinkles and lines, as well as fill in folds that have developed between the eyes or around the mouth.

PRP Facials are also capable of erasing dark spots, reducing acne scaring, brightening dull skin, and increasing the overall tone, tightness and plumpness of the skin.

Is a PRP Facial Painful?

Our Bloomfield Hills, MI area patients can expect a relatively pain-free procedure when they visit us for PRP Skin Rejuvenation. To ease or eliminate any potential discomfort, patients may request to have topical anesthetic applied to the treatment area.

When will I see PRP Facial Results?

Over the next several weeks, the growth factors in the PRP will continue to stimulate production of collagen and elastin deep within the skin’s cells.  Patients can expect to see: visibly thicker and firmer skin; softening of lines and wrinkles; tighter facial tone; and reduction of redness, dark spots or scarring.

For some patients, more than one PRP Facial may be suggested depending upon the extent of the wrinkles, and degree of scarring or sun damage.

Is there Downtime after a PRP Facial?

There is almost no recovery time after a PRP facial, and patients can return to work or their daily activities immediately following the procedure. Slight redness or swelling of the skin typically occurs, but this will diminish in 2 to 3 days or less. Patients may also apply sunscreen and/or makeup after 24-hours.

PRP Facials – Bloomfield Hills, MI

The 100% natural PRP Facial treatment is a safe and effective choice for virtually anyone interested in repairing the effects of aging, acne scarring, redness, pigmentation, skin laxity, sun damage and more.

If you live in the greater Bloomfield Hills, MI and would like to turn back the clock with smoother, tighter, younger skin, contact Prosperity Health today to schedule a PRP Facial.

Bloomfield Hills Area PRP Facials: 248-997-4242
