gut health doctor troy mi

Could Poor Gut Health Be Making You Sick?

Gut Health: The Link Between the Digestive System & Illness

One area of increasing focus within modern medicine is the understanding that “gut health” – what goes on in the digestive system – has a profound impact on one’s overall health, immunity, mental functioning, energy, and vitality.

At Prosperity Health in the Troy, MI area, functional medicine doctor Nishath Hakim, MD helps patients achieve optimal well-being with comprehensive gut health testing, diagnosis, and management. In this article she explains the crucial connection between health and the gut “microbiome” – which is the ecosystem of tiny organisms and bacteria in the digestive system.

What is Gut Health?

Gut health refers to the intricate balance of trillions of microorganisms residing within your digestive system. This diverse community, known as the gut microbiome, plays a vital role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function.

While bacteria are the dominant players, the gut microbiome includes many other organisms that reside in the digestive system. This includes:

Archaea: These single-celled organisms are similar to bacteria but with some key differences. They’re less common than bacteria in the gut, but they still play a role in certain digestive processes.

Fungi: Though not as abundant as bacteria, fungi contribute to breaking down complex carbohydrates and may help regulate the immune system.

Viruses: Most gut viruses are bacteriophages, which specifically target and infect bacteria. They can help keep bacterial populations in check and potentially influence the overall gut ecosystem.

When the balance within the gut biome is disrupted, it can lead to a cascade of negative effects, contributing to various health concerns.

How the Digestive System Influences Overall Health

The digestive system is far more than just a pathway for food. It also acts as a barrier against harmful pathogens, extracts nutrients from food, and plays a crucial role in the immune system. A healthy gut microbiome aids in digestion by breaking down complex carbohydrates and promoting the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. Additionally, the gut microbiome helps regulate inflammation, a key factor in many chronic diseases.

When gut health suffers, the negative effects can ripple throughout the body. Impaired nutrient absorption can lead to deficiencies, while chronic inflammation may contribute to conditions like arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and even certain cancers.

In addition to an imbalanced gut microbiome causing digestive issues like bloating and constipation, fatigue, and skin conditions, it can also lead to mood disorders. A healthy gut microbiome can positively influence neurotransmitter production, potentially impacting mood, and cognitive function. Conversely, an unhealthy gut may contribute to anxiety, depression, and brain fog.

How Functional Medicine Improves Gut Health

Functional medicine takes a holistic approach to healthcare, focusing on the root causes of illness rather than just treating symptoms. At Prosperity Health, Dr. Hakim utilizes various tools within functional medicine to assess and improve gut health in patients throughout the Troy, MI area. Here are some specific methods:

Food Intolerance Testing for Optimal Gut Health

Food intolerance testing identifies potential food sensitivities that may be triggering digestive distress or other symptoms. It can be a valuable tool in identifying hidden triggers that may be contributing to digestive issues and other health problems in patients throughout the Troy, MI area. Unlike food allergies, which cause a severe immune response, food intolerances involve a less dramatic reaction that can be difficult to pinpoint.

At Prosperity Health in the Troy, Mi area, Dr. Hakim, MD, may recommend food intolerance testing if you experience chronic digestive problems like bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea after consuming certain foods. Additionally, food sensitivities may manifest as more systemic symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, skin conditions, and even mood swings.

Food intolerance testing typically involves blood tests or breath tests that measure the body’s reaction to specific foods. Once identified, Dr. Hakim will work with you to develop a personalized elimination diet to remove potential triggers and assess your response. By identifying and avoiding these food sensitivities, you can experience significant improvement in your digestive health and overall well-being.

GI-MAP Stool Testing for Optimal Gut Health

Comprehensive GI-MAP stool analysis provides valuable insights into the composition of the gut microbiome, including the presence of beneficial and harmful bacteria, parasites, and inflammation.

GI-MAP stool testing offers a deeper look into the inner workings of your gut microbiome. This comprehensive analysis, available at Prosperity Health in the Troy, MI area, goes beyond simply identifying the presence of good and bad bacteria.

The GI-MAP test utilizes advanced DNA technology to provide a detailed picture of the gut microbiome’s composition. It can detect the presence of beneficial bacteria, harmful pathogens like parasites and fungi, and even markers of inflammation within the digestive tract. This information allows Dr. Hakim to gain valuable insights into the potential causes of digestive problems, immune dysfunction, and even chronic health conditions.

Based on the GI-MAP stool test results, Dr. Hakim can create a personalized treatment plan to address any imbalances in the gut microbiome. This may involve dietary modifications, targeted probiotic supplementation, or other strategies to promote a healthy gut environment. By restoring balance to the gut microbiome, Dr. Hakim can help patients achieve improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and potentially alleviate symptoms of many chronic conditions.

Micronutrient Testing for Optimal Gut Health

Micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. Deficiencies in certain micronutrients can hinder gut function and contribute to digestive issues and other health problems. At Prosperity Health, Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD, in Troy, MI, may recommend micronutrient testing to assess your individual needs.

Assessing deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients can reveal imbalances that may be impacting gut health. Micronutrient testing typically involves a simple blood test that measures the levels of essential vitamins and minerals in your body. This information can reveal deficiencies that may be impacting your gut health. For example, deficiencies in vitamin D, zinc, or magnesium have all been linked to digestive problems and impaired gut barrier function.

Once micronutrient deficiencies are identified, Dr. Hakim can recommend dietary changes and targeted supplementation to address these imbalances. By ensuring you have adequate levels of essential vitamins and minerals, Dr. Hakim can help optimize your gut health and promote overall well-being.

Gut Health Doctor | Troy, MI Area

Functional medicine doctor Nishath Hakim, MD at Prosperity Health, is one of the few physicians in the Troy, MI area, who understands the intricate connection between gut health and well-being, and who utilizes advanced tools and testing methods to assess, treat, and improve gut health.

Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD at Prosperity Health in the Troy, MI area is dedicated to empowering patients on their journey to optimal wellness, offering personalized gut health treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs and health goals. Through functional medicine approaches, food intolerance testing, GI-MAP stool testing, micronutrient testing, and other interventions, Dr. Hakim empowers patients to optimize their gut health and live healthier, more vibrant lives.

Troy, MI Area Gut Health Doctor: 248-997-4242

Holistic Doctors Explain the ‘Parasympathetic’ Approach to Wellness

Holistic Support for Relaxation, Digestion, Immunity & Anti Aging

In the quest for healthy aging, improved wellness, and increased vitality, many patients seek a ‘holistic’ doctor like Dr. Hakim who takes an integrative, ‘big picture’ approach. Holistic or ‘integrative medicine’ doctors look at the body as a whole, with a focus on preventing illness before it occurs – while offering natural interventions as well as traditional medical treatments when disease strikes.

One area of health often overlooked by traditional doctors that holistic doctors emphasize is the importance of the ‘parasympathetic’ approach. By focusing on rest, digestion, and healing, holistic doctors optimize the body’s natural rejuvenation processes for better health at every age.

In this article, Royal Oak holistic doctor Nishath Hakim, MD explains the parasympathetic nervous system in layperson’s terms – and discusses how it relates to anti aging. She will also delve into specific holistic treatments, such as food intolerance testing, G-Map stool testing, targeted vitamins and supplements, and an integrative approach to wellness, that can support parasympathetic health and promote anti aging benefits at every age.

What Is the Body’s Parasympathetic System?

The body’s nervous system is responsible for regulating involuntary bodily functions, and it consists of two main branches: the sympathetic system and parasympathetic system.

The sympathetic nervous system is associated with the “fight-or-flight” response – which helps mobilize the body’s resources to deal with potential dangers. When activated, the sympathetic system triggers a series of physiological changes to prepare the body for action. It releases stress hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline, which increase heart rate, elevate blood pressure, and boost the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. The respiratory rate also increases, enhancing oxygen intake. In addition, the sympathetic system diverts blood away from non-essential organs, such as the digestive system, and towards the muscles and brain, priming the body for physical exertion or quick thinking.

Conversely, the parasympathetic system acts as the counterbalance to the sympathetic system, promoting relaxation, digestion, and restoration. Supporting the parasympathetic system can help restore balance, reduce stress, and support overall health and vitality.

The parasympathetic system governs various processes, including digestion, detoxification, immune function, and overall repair and regeneration. When activated, it slows the heart rate, enhances digestion, stimulates bowel movements, and promotes restorative sleep. By maintaining a balanced and well-functioning parasympathetic system, individuals can support their body’s natural anti-aging mechanisms and enhance overall wellness.

The parasympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the body’s “rest and digest” mode, plays a crucial role in immune health and regulation. It is intricately connected with the immune system through a network of communication pathways and chemical messengers. Balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems is crucial for overall well-being.

Parasympathetic System, Immune Health & Holistic Anti Aging

The parasympathetic system has been found to regulate and balance immune responses. This is important for maintaining a strong immune system, preventing excessive immune reactions, and reducing the risk of chronic inflammation, disease, and autoimmune disorders.

Inflammation is at the root of most chronic diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and more. Studies have shown that parasympathetic activation promotes the release of anti-inflammatory substances and reduces the production of pro-inflammatory molecules. This can help regulate immune responses and prevent excessive inflammation, which is associated with a range of health conditions.

The parasympathetic system also influences the function of immune cells such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and natural ‘killer cells.’ It can enhance their activity, increase their abilities to fight disease, and promote the production of protective antibodies.

Parasympathetic System, Stress & Holistic Anti Aging

The parasympathetic system also interacts with the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands, which all play a significant role in stress responses. Chronic stress results in constant activation of the sympathetic “fight or flight” system, and this can suppress immune function, making individuals more susceptible to infections and other immune-related disorders.

By supporting the parasympathetic system, individuals can counteract the negative effects of chronic stress and promote immune resilience. Parasympathetic activation, through stress reducing activities such as such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and relaxation techniques, have been shown to support immune health. These practices help reduce stress, lower cortisol levels, and promote overall well-being, which positively influences immune function.

Holistic Treatments for Parasympathetic Health

Holistic doctor Nishath Hakim, MD offers several natural treatments that can support parasympathetic health – to improve immunity, reduce inflammation, fight disease, and reduce the signs of aging.

Food Intolerance Testing can be extremely helpful for supporting the parasympathetic system. Certain foods can trigger inflammation, stress the digestive system, and disrupt overall homeostasis. Holistic doctor Nishath Hakim may recommend comprehensive food intolerance testing to identify specific triggers and guide patients towards personalized dietary adjustments that support the parasympathetic nervous system. 

G-Map Stool Testing is also an excellent tool in promoting parasympathetic health. A healthy gut is essential for proper parasympathetic function, as it is intricately linked to immune function and overall well-being. G-Map stool testing analyzes the gut microbiome, identifying imbalances, pathogens, and beneficial bacteria. This enables holistic doctors like Nishath Hakim, MD to restore a healthy environment in the digestive system, supporting parasympathetic activation.

Certain targeted vitamins and supplements can also provide valuable support to the parasympathetic system. For example, magnesium helps relax muscles, promotes quality sleep, and supports digestive health. And ‘adaptogenic’ supplements – derived from herbs, roots, and other plant substances (like mushrooms) – can help the body manage stress and restore balance after a stressful situation. Ginsing, ashwagandha and rhodiola are just a few of the ingredients that can help the body naturally regulate stress responses, allowing the parasympathetic system to flourish.

Holistic Doctor | Royal Oak

Holistic doctor Nishath Hakim, MD understands that parasympathetic health cannot be isolated from overall wellness. By prioritizing rest, digestion, and healing, individuals can support their parasympathetic nervous system and activate the body’s innate rejuvenation processes.

Holistic doctor Nishath Hakim, MD in Royal Oak takes a comprehensive approach to gut health, lifestyle, stress management techniques (such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises), regular exercise, nutrition, and restorative sleep to help patients restore sympathetic health to promote wellness, anti aging and vitality.

Schedule your appointment with holistic doctor Nishath Hakim in Royal Oak and take the first step to nurturing your body’s natural healing mechanisms to achieve wellness, energy, and an improved quality of life at every age.

Holistic Doctor | Royal Oak: 248.997.4242


Food Intolerance is Different than Food Allergy! Should You Be Tested?

Food Intolerance Testing May Be the Answer!

It is important to understand that food “allergies” and food “intolerances” are not the same thing. Food intolerance refers to the difficulty or inability of the body to digest certain types of food.

Most people know if they have a “food allergy” – because it typically causes immediate symptoms if the person ingests the food to which they are allergic. Hives, rashes, inability to breath, and swelling of the throat or other body parts are all acute signs of a food allergy.

But many individuals are not aware of “food intolerances” which may be causing them to have severe or uncomfortable digestive issues – or may simply be causing them to feel less than their best.

In this article the food intolerance experts at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak explain the differences between food allergy and intolerance – and helps you understand how food intolerance testing can tell you if certain foods are making you feel unwell.

Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance

Food allergies are caused by the immune system reacting to specific proteins in food. If you are allergic to a certain food, the immune system mistakes the protein as harmful and produces an allergic reaction, which can range from mild symptoms such as itching to severe and potentially life-threatening symptoms such as anaphylaxis.

Food allergies are more common in children than adults, and some allergies may be outgrown as the immune system matures. Common food allergens include peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs, soy, and wheat. Food allergies can be diagnosed through skin testing or blood tests to identify the specific allergen. Once diagnosed, the only way to manage a food allergy is to avoid the allergen completely.

However, food intolerances do not involve the immune system. A food intolerance is caused by the body’s inability to digest or process certain components of a food, such as the lactose in dairy products or the gluten in wheat. This can lead to symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, headaches, and more –  but does not involve an immune system reaction.

Food allergies can be life-threatening, while food intolerances are generally not. However, food intolerances can wreak havoc on your digestive system as well as cause you to feel tired and run down all of the time.

Symptoms of Food Intolerance

Food intolerance symptoms will vary depending on the individual and the type of food involved. Common digestive symptoms of food intolerance may include bloating, gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and even vomiting. Some people also experience headaches or migraines, fatigue, joint pain and inflammation, and feelings of fatigue and lethargy.

Some people may even experience mood changes (irritability, anxiety, or depression) or respiratory symptoms (congestion, runny nose, or wheezing) as a result of consuming foods to which they are intolerant. Certain food intolerances, such as those to histamine-containing foods, can even cause heart palpitations.

But, because these symptoms don’t always occur immediately after consuming the problematic food patients often don’t connect their symptoms with the food to which they are intolerant. Symptoms of food intolerance may not appear immediately after eating, or may develop gradually over time, making “self-diagnosis” difficult if not impossible. This is why food intolerance testing is such a game-changer!

What Causes Food Intolerance

Food intolerances can be caused by various factors, including enzyme deficiencies, sensitivity to certain food additives, and adverse reactions to naturally occurring substances in certain food. Common types of food intolerance include lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, and histamine intolerance.

But many people are sensitive to food additives, such as sulfites, food dyes, and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Other less common food intolerances include fructose intolerance, histamine intolerance, and sensitivity to specific proteins found in foods such as eggs or soy.

Types of Food Intolerance

Food intolerances occur when the body is unable to properly digest or absorb certain types of food. There are several reasons why this may occur, including:

#1. Enzyme Deficiency Food Intolerance

The digestive system uses enzymes to break down food into its constituent parts, which the body can then absorb and use for energy. In some cases, the body may not produce enough of a particular enzyme needed to digest a certain food.

For example, lactose intolerance occurs when the body does not produce enough lactase, the enzyme needed to break down lactose, the sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Pancreatic insufficiency.

Pancreatic insufficiency – a condition in which the pancreas is not able to produce enough digestive enzymes to break down food in the small intestine – is one cause of enzyme deficiency food intolerance.

#2. Sensitivity to Food Additives Food Intolerance

Some people may be sensitive to certain food additives, such as artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or colorings. These additives may cause digestive symptoms or other adverse reactions in sensitive individuals.

#3. Natural Substance Food Intolerance

Some foods contain naturally occurring substances that can cause adverse reactions in certain individuals. For example, histamine intolerance occurs when the body is unable to break down histamine, a compound found in many fermented foods, such as aged cheese, wine, and sauerkraut.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system reacts to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.

#4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Inflammatory Bowel Disease Food Intolerance

IBS is a common digestive disorder characterized by a group of symptoms that can include bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea or constipation. Many people with IBS report that certain foods, such as dairy, wheat, or certain fruits and vegetables, can trigger their symptoms.

Food Intolerance Testing

Correct diagnosis of food intolerance is often missed by patients and their medical providers because the symptoms can be similar to those of many other digestive disorders. However, integrative medicine specialist Dr. Nishath Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak offers several tests and methods that can help diagnose food intolerances.

Many patients have already tried an “elimination diet” in conjunction with a food diary. This involves eliminating suspected problematic foods from the diet for a period of time and then gradually reintroducing them to see if symptoms occur. The patient also uses a food diary to help track the types of foods consumed and any associated symptoms.

While this approach can sometimes be useful in identifying patterns and potential problematic foods, it is often difficult (if not impossible) to know exactly what is in your food – especially when eating out or eating time saving prepared foods. And it can be quite burdensome – and take forever – to eliminate common foods from your diet and then slowly reintroduce them back, one-by-one.

Dr. Nishath Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak has undergone specialized training in the identification and treatment of food intolerance. She offers an advanced food intolerance test that accurately pinpoints the food(s) that respond negatively with your system – all with just a few drops of blood from a basic finger prick. This blood test works by measuring levels of certain antibodies in response to specific foods. This method can also help identify food intolerances associated with immune system reactions, such as celiac disease.

Dr. Hakim is also one of the first integrative doctors in Royal Oak to offer the GI-MAP stool test. This is the first and only stool test to provide comprehensive assessment of multiple GI targets, including: bacteria, worms, yeasts, parasites, and antibiotic resistant genes, alongside intestinal health, digestive, and immune markers that may reveal food intolerance and malabsorption.

In cases of suspected lactose intolerance, a hydrogen breath test may also be used. This test involves consuming a drink containing lactose and then measuring the amount of hydrogen gas in the breath. If the body is unable to properly digest lactose, it will produce excess hydrogen gas that can be detected in the breath.

How to Treat Food Intolerance After Testing

Once Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak identifies your food intolerances, she will put together a comprehensive treatment plan. A personalized treatment approach will be put in place depending on the individual and the type of food intolerance.

Of course, dietary changes to avoid the problematic food is the primary way to manage food intolerances. Additionally, in some case, Dr. Hakim my prescribe enzyme supplements that can help improve digestion of the problematic food.

In some cases, Dr. Hakim can also prescribe medications that can help manage symptoms associated with food intolerances, such as antihistamines for histamine intolerance or anti-diarrheal medications for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Dr. Hakim may also prescribe probiotics – the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and help with digestion. Taking probiotic supplements can help improve digestion and reduce symptoms in many cases of certain food intolerances.

Food Intolerance Testing Doctor | Royal Oak

Assessing food intolerances can help Dr. Hakim get to the root cause of digestive problems, chronic illness, fatigue, and many other health problems. At Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, we can conduct comprehensive food intolerance testing and create a customized treatment plan to address your GI dysfunction, to restore your health, and improve your quality of life.

The majority of our patients who test positive for one or more food intolerances show a significant improvement in their symptom(s) within only three weeks by following their prescribed diet alterations and treatment plan. It can be a truly life changing experience! Schedule your food intolerance testing appointment at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI today!

Food Intolerance Testing | Royal Oak: 248.997.4242


Not Feeling Great? GI-Map Stool Testing Can Help Uncover the Cause

GI-Map Stool Testing Can Help You Get Your Body Back in Balance

Are you experiencing fatigue, digestive problems, joint pain, sleep problems, brain fog, lack of energy, acne, weight gain, or other chronic ailments? Sadly, many people chalk these common symptoms up to stress, lack of sleep, or just ‘getting older’ – and often they don’t seek medical help. Others have sought medical help, only to be told that nothing is wrong, or that the problem is “all in their head”.

This is a truly a shame, because the underlying cause of many common maladies can be easily diagnosed and treated using GI-Map gut health assessment – restoring your vitality and quality of life so you can live every day to the fullest. Yes, that’s right, the secret to what is ailing you can often be found hiding in your gut!

With GI-Map stool testing, you can unlock the mysteries of your digestive system and uncover important clues about your health. You may be thinking: “Stool testing? That sounds gross!” But trust us, it’s not as bad as you think. In fact, non-invasive GI-Map stool testing is one of the easiest and most accurate ways to get valuable insights into your health.

Integrative medicine doctor Nishath Hakim, MD at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak offers comprehensive GI-Map gut testing to identify the specific DNA of the organisms in your gastrointestinal tract (“gut”), to detect and identify parasites, good and bad bacteria, fungus, immune markers, allergies, dietary sensitivities, disease, and much more.

What is GI-Map Stool Testing?

GI-Map is short for “Gut Microbial Analysis Profile”. It is a specialized stool test that analyzes the DNA of the microbes in your gut. It uses advanced sequencing technology to identify the specific strains of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that are living in your intestinal tract. This information can then be used to diagnose and treat a wide range of digestive disorders, as well as many other health conditions.

How GI-Map Stool Testing Works

GI-Map stool testing is actually quite simple. All you have to do is provide a small “poop” sample collected in the comfort and privacy of your own bathroom at home. Then you send it send it to a lab in the provided postage-prepaid package for in depth analysis.

The lab will then extract the DNA from the sample and use advanced gene sequencing technology to identify the specific strains of microorganisms in it.

Once the analysis is complete, you and Dr. Hakim will receive an extremely detailed report that breaks down the results and provides insights into your health. This report will identify any specific imbalances or problems in your gut microbiome. Dr. Hakim will then use the findings to provide comprehensive recommendations and customized treatments that can restore balance to your body and promote better overall health.

Medical Conditions GI-Map Stool Testing Help Identify

GI-Map stool testing help identify many different medical conditions can. The list of conditions that leave clues in your intestinal tract is actually extremely long and varied. Below are just some of the most common conditions that can be diagnosed or monitored using GI-Map stool testing.

· GI-Map Stool Testing for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

GI-Map testing can help identify the specific strains of bacteria that are causing digestive symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea, and provide targeted treatment recommendations.

· GI-Map Stool Testing for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

GI-Map stool testing can help monitor the progression of IBD and identify changes in the gut microbiome that may indicate a flare-up.

· GI-Map Stool Testing for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

GI-Map stool testing can help diagnose SIBO and provide targeted treatment recommendations based on the specific strains of bacteria present in the gut.

· GI-Map Stool Testing for Food Sensitivities

GI-Map stool testing can help identify food sensitivities and provide recommendations for an individualized diet that supports gut health.

· GI-Map Stool Testing for Autoimmune Diseases

GI-Map stool testing can help identify imbalances in the gut microbiome that may contribute to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus.

· Other Conditions GI-Map Stool Testing Can Identify

In addition to identifying digestive and autoimmune disorders, a thorough gut health assessment can also provide evidence or clues as to the underlying reasons patients are experiencing mental issues including brain fog, lack of mental clarity, and even mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

GI-Map testing also offers insights into skin issues such as acne and psoriasis. And factors underlying metabolic issues such as Type 2 Diabetes and unexplained weight gain or loss can also be better understood through stool testing.

Who Can Benefit from GI-Map Stool Testing

Almost any adult, teen, or child can benefit from a GI-Map stool testing and gut health assessment, because it tells you what is really going on inside your body! Many people who have been chronically ill for years are frustratingly given at one wrong diagnosis after another. These patients can finally find out what is really at the root of their symptoms, thanks to GI-Map stool testing.

However, other men and women use GI-Map stool testing and gut health assessment as another tool to achieve optimal health and wellness, increase energy and vitality, and improve mood and mental clarity. GI-MAP stool testing can really give anyone the information they need to help fine-tune their body and get their systems back in balance.

GI-MAP stool testing is also a non-invasive, highly effective test for infants, children, and teens. It can provide parents with insights into their child’s conditions related to digestive problems, food intolerance, Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and much more.

GI-Map Stool Testing & Gut Health Assessment | Royal Oak

The benefits of GI-Map stool testing are clear. By analyzing the DNA of the microbes in your gut, you can gain valuable insights into your digestive health, identify imbalances that may be contributing to a wide range of health conditions, and diagnosis ailments that may have previously evaded diagnosis.

If you would like to understand what’s going on inside your body, schedule a GI-Map and gut health consultation at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak. Certified Integrative & Holistic Medicine Doctor Nishath Hakim, MD has helped hundreds of patients feel their best and live their best lives with gut health assessment and a personalized treatment plan that restores health and balance now and for years to come.

Stool Testing & Gut Health Assessment | Royal Oak: 248-997-4242