low testosterone treatment troy mi

Is Low Testosterone Putting You at Risk for Heart Disease?

The Link Between Cardiovascular Disease & Low Testosterone (‘Low T’) in Men

Most men know that low testosterone levels are associated with sexual performance issues. But most men don’t realize that testosterone deficiency (“Low T”) and cardiovascular disease in men are also intricately linked, posing significant health risks for those men who are affected.

In the United States, heart disease stands as the leading cause of death among males, killing 1 in 4 men – often tragically well before their time.  The good news is that a proactive approach to preventing heart disease can significantly reduce a man’s risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack!

One heart-health avenue worth exploring is testosterone replacement therapy with bioidentical hormones. While numerous factors contribute to cardiovascular health, emerging research has shown that testosterone deficiency, commonly referred to as “Low T,” may play a role in exacerbating these risks. So, for men grappling with Low T, testosterone therapy emerges as a promising avenue for safeguarding against cardiovascular issues, offering a safe, natural, painless, easy, and effective method of intervention.

In this article, functional medicine specialist Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD at Prosperity Health in the Troy, MI area explores the link between Low T and heart disease – and explains how testosterone replacement therapy may be able to help you lower your risk of cardiovascular issues, including heart attack.

Causes of Low Testosterone

Testosterone production naturally declines with age in men. This decrease is gradual, typically around 1 to 2% per year after age 40. While not as dramatic of a drop year-to-year as the hormone decline of menopause, this testosterone decline in men can add up over time, potentially leading to symptoms of Low T.

In addition to normal aging, testosterone deficiency can also arise from various factors, including obesity, chronic illness, medication use, and genetic predisposition. Lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can also contribute to Low T levels.

Low Testosterone’s Effects on the Male Cardiovascular System

Testosterone plays a crucial role in maintaining cardiovascular health in men. Beyond its primary functions in reproductive and sexual development, testosterone exerts profound effects on the cardiovascular system, influencing blood pressure regulation, lipid metabolism (how the body uses fats and fatty buildup in arteries), vascular function, and inflammation.

Research suggests that testosterone deficiency may be associated with more severe cases of coronary artery disease (CAD), a condition characterized by the narrowing or blockage of coronary arteries. Studies have indicated that Low T levels correlate with an increased risk of developing CAD and experiencing adverse cardiovascular events.

In clinical research, testosterone deficiency has been observed in many cases of congestive heart failure, a condition in which the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently is compromised. These studies have shown that Low T levels are prevalent among men with congestive heart failure and may contribute to disease progression and poor prognosis.

Research Studies on Low Testosterone & Heart Disease

A recent research study on the intricate relationship between Low T and cardiovascular disease which was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that men with Low T levels had a substantially higher incidence of coronary artery disease, as well as increased death from cardiovascular conditions compared to those with normal testosterone levels.

A Danish Registry Study published research in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2023 that reviewed data from over 120,000 male patients with type 2 diabetes. That research found that low testosterone levels were associated with an increased risk of heart attack, highlighting the potential link between testosterone deficiency and heart health in this population.

And a 2023 review of multiple clinical trials and observational research studies published in the Sexual Medicine Review analyzed the evidence regarding the relationship between testosterone deficiency and heart disease. The authors of that study determined that there is compelling evidence that there is a detrimental effect of low testosterone on vascular health and increased risk of cardiovascular disease in men.

Research Studies on Testosterone Replacement for Heart Disease

Another article published in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Cardiology – a prestigious, peer-reviewed medical journal – found that testosterone therapy was associated with a lower risk of adverse cardiovascular events in men who had low testosterone levels and pre-existing cardiovascular disease.

In 2023, the study Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Incident Cardiovascular Events in Men was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This large-scale, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Cleveland Clinic-led study assessed more than 5,000 men with Low T and pre-existing or high-risk of cardiovascular disease. That research showed that testosterone replacement therapy did not increase the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events compared to placebo. This offers important reassurance of the cardiovascular safety of testosterone replacement therapy in this population.

Treating Low Testosterone with Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (BHRT)

While these are just a few examples of the recent clinical studies on testosterone and heart disease – and research in this area is ongoing – it is increasingly clear that low testosterone levels in men can present a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease.

The great news for men wit Low T is that bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) at Prosperity Health in the Troy, MI area offers a safe, easy, and effective approach to treating testosterone deficiency and potentially reducing cardiovascular risks in men.

BHRT utilizes hormones that are structurally identical to those naturally produced by the body, allowing for optimal absorption and utilization – while reducing the possibility of side effects. By restoring testosterone levels to normal physiological ranges, BHRT at Prosperity Health in the Troy, MI area can improve cardiovascular function, reduce inflammation, enhance lipid profiles, and promote overall heart health.

Functional medicine doctor and hormone therapy expert Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD in the Troy, MI area will assess your individual cardiovascular risk factors, test your individual hormone levels, and evaluate the potential benefits of testosterone replacement therapy – based on your individual circumstances and test results.

BHRT Treatment for Low Testosterone | Troy, MI area

Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD at Prosperity Health in the Troy, MI area, specializes in personalized BHRT protocols tailored to each patient’s unique needs and medical history. Through comprehensive evaluations and ongoing monitoring, Dr. Hakim ensures safe and effective treatment outcomes, empowering men to proactively manage their cardiovascular health and well-being.

Low Testosterone Treatment | Troy, MI area: 248-997-4242


Weight Gain? High Blood Pressure? Reverse Metabolic Syndrome & Get Healthy!

Understanding Metabolic Syndrome Can Help You Restore Your Health

It’s no secret that getting older typically comes with some frustrating conditions: increased weight gain, lower energy, higher blood pressure, aching joints, and in some cases even elevated blood sugar. But most people don’t realize that all of these health conditions are often related to each other – and part of a complex condition known as “metabolic syndrome”.

The good news is that getting older does NOT mean that you have to suffer with these conditions that can slowly destroy your quality of life. By understanding the underlying factors contributing to metabolic syndrome – and addressing them with personalized treatment plans – men and women CAN embark on a journey toward restored health and vitality.

In this article, Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD, a leading functional medicine doctor in the Southfield, MI area, sheds light on the common and multifaceted condition of metabolic syndrome. And she offers insights into how functional medicine can help reverse the course of metabolic syndrome, so you can live with health and vitality at every age.

Metabolic Syndrome & Weight Gain

Metabolic syndrome often manifests with excess weight or obesity, creating a challenging landscape for those seeking optimal health. Dr. Hakim delves into the intricate relationship between metabolic syndrome and weight, exploring how excess body fat (especially around the middle) can exacerbate metabolic dysfunction and increase the risk of related conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Through targeted interventions aimed at promoting weight loss and restoring metabolic balance, Dr. Hakim empowers individuals to take control of their health and reverse the trajectory of metabolic syndrome.

For example, Dr. Hakim offers semaglutide weight loss shots (like Ozempic and Wegovy) as part of a comprehensive, personalized weight loss program. Semaglutide works by slowing stomach emptying, decreasing appetite, and creating feelings of fullness, leading to rapid and significant weight loss.

Dr. Hakim closely monitors patients’ progress and adjusts weight loss treatments as needed, so patients can pursue a weight loss using evidence-based medical weight loss that really works.

Metabolic Syndrome and Heart Disease

Blood pressure creeping up? Serious heart disease is often a significant consequence of untreated metabolic syndrome, highlighting the critical need for intervention and prevention strategies. There are intricate mechanisms within the body that link metabolic syndrome to cardiovascular health. Inflammation, insulin resistance, and cholesterol problems (dyslipidemia) contribute to atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the #1 killer of men and women in the US, but the great news is that most cases are preventable. By implementing lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, hormone balancing, and other targeted therapies, Dr. Hakim can help men and women lower their blood pressure, decrease dangerous cholesterol, and significantly reduce their risk of heart disease.

Dr. Hakim has received specialized training in the BaleDoneen Method of heart disease prevention. This method uses traditional assessment factors (weight, age, blood pressure, cholesterol levels) combined with advanced detection methods (including blood work and lab tests) to provide one of the most accurate cardiovascular risk assessments available.

Dr. Hakim then uses these cardiac risk assessments to create a personalized integrative prevention plan that include steps to lower risk and stop heart disease before starts.

Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes

Metabolic syndrome is a significant contributing factor to the development of Type 2 Diabetes in men and women – leading to insulin resistance and an impaired ability of the body to properly metabolize glucose (sugar).

Through comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plans, functional medicine doctors like Dr. Hakim in the Southfield, MI area provides individuals with the tools they need to manage blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and prevent or even reverse onset of Type 2 diabetes and its related complications.

How Functional Medicine Addresses Metabolic Syndrome

Functional medicine takes a comprehensive and personalized approach to addressing metabolic syndrome, recognizing that it is not a standalone condition but rather a complex set of interconnected imbalances within the body. To begin with, Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD, utilizes advanced diagnostic testing and thorough patient evaluations to uncover the underlying root causes contributing to the patient’s metabolic dysfunction. By delving into factors such as genetics, lifestyle habits, environmental influences, hormone deficiencies, and gut health, Dr. Hakim identifies the unique triggers contributing to metabolic syndrome in each individual.

Through targeted treatments, functional medicine rebalances the body’s systems as a whole, to restore optimal function. Rather than treat each symptom individually with harsh medications that only address symptoms, Dr. Hakim employs a multifaceted treatment approach that may include dietary modifications, nutritional supplementation, exercise regimens, stress management techniques, and hormone optimization.

By addressing the root causes of metabolic syndrome rather than merely masking symptoms with medications, functional medicine offers individuals a path toward sustainable health, vitality, and longevity.

Treatments to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

Reversing metabolic syndrome requires a comprehensive and integrative approach that addresses its underlying causes while promoting overall health and wellness. Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD, employs a range of evidence-based treatments to target the key components of metabolic dysfunction and restore metabolic balance. Dietary interventions play a central role in treatment, with an emphasis on whole foods, nutrient-dense eating plans, and personalized nutrition protocols tailored to each individual’s unique needs.

In addition to dietary modifications, Dr. Hakim may recommend targeted lifestyle interventions aimed at promoting weight loss, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing inflammation. These interventions may include regular physical activity, stress reduction techniques, adequate sleep hygiene, and smoking cessation support. Depending on the specific needs of the patient, Dr. Hakim may also utilize targeted therapies such as weight loss medications, nutritional supplements, and hormone therapy to address underlying imbalances and restore metabolic health.

Through a collaborative and patient-centered approach, Dr. Hakim works closely with each individual to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and goals. By empowering patients with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to take control of their health, Dr. Hakim guides them toward lasting transformation and reversal of metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic Syndrome Doctor | Royal Oak

Functional medicine doctors like Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD, in Southfield, MI focus on treating the root cause rather than merely managing symptoms, for patients suffering from metabolic syndrome. By identifying the complex factors contributing to metabolic syndrome, and addressing them through a holistic approach, Dr. Nishath Hakim, MD, in Southfield, MI helps individuals reverse the course of metabolic syndrome and embark on a path toward renewed health, vitality, and longevity.

Royal Oak Metabolic Syndrome Doctor: 248-997-4242

Functional Medicine Doctors Treat Men’s Whole Health

Functional Medicine Doctors Help Men Live Longer, Healthier Lives

It’s an unfortunate fact that men are significantly more likely to ignore their health than women. Studies show time and again that men are less likely to schedule regular check-ups and are often more hesitant to address health issues in a timely fashion.

And when men do look for a doctor, it is usually to address a specific symptom or complaint – rather than for a check up or preventive health care. A 2020 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that men were less likely than women to have a regular doctor – with 78% of women having a regular doctor compared to only 67% of men.

And a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that men were less likely than women to have seen a healthcare provider in the past year for a preventive care visit. And the National Institute on Aging determined that men were less likely than women to talk to a doctor about their health.

But functional medicine doctors like Nishath Hakim, MD in Royal Oak offer an approach that shift the men’s healthcare narrative by offering a comfortable environment where men can discuss and manage all of their health concerns and obtain personalized medical treatment.

Functional medicine is as an approach that emphasizes comprehensive, individualized, “whole person” medical care. Unlike traditional medicine, functional medicine focuses on addressing the root causes of health issues, promoting overall well-being rather than just managing symptoms. Additionally, by looking at the whole person, men’s functional medicine doctors emphasize early intervention and prevention that can help avoid serious disease and head off long-term health.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a patient-centered, science-based approach that aims to uncover the underlying causes of diseases. It views the body as an interconnected system, understanding that imbalances in one area can affect the entire body. By addressing the root causes, Functional Medicine strives to restore balance and optimize health.

Men’s functional medicine doctors adopt a personalized perspective, recognizing that each individual is unique. The focus is on looking at the patient and their body as a whole, considering factors such as lifestyle, genetics, environment, and nutrition.

Men’s functional medicine doctors take an integrative approach, merging traditional medicine and conventional medical treatments with newer, evidenced-based therapies that can restore balance to the body for increased vitality and quality of life, while reducing the risk factors for diseases like heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and more. The emphasis is on treating the whole person rather than just “putting a band aid” on isolated symptoms, fostering optimal health and preventing future issues.

Men’s Functional Medicine Doctors: Thorough Diagnosis

A hallmark of functional medicine is its reliance on advanced testing to gain deep insights into a patient’s health. This includes thorough lab work, blood tests, and specialized nutritional or gut testing. Lab tests might include assessing hormone levels, nutrient deficiencies, and markers of inflammation. Blood work helps in understanding the physiological status of various organs and systems. Nutritional and gut testing, such as Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GMAP), aids in evaluating the gut microbiome, identifying imbalances, and guiding dietary interventions.

Men’s Functional Medicine Doctors: Personalized Treatment Plans

Functional medicine doctors for men, like Nishath Hakim, MD in Royal Oak, craft individualized treatment plans based on the results of these comprehensive tests and assessments. Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, these plans are tailored to address the specific needs of each man. In addition to traditional medications or treatments where required, Dr. Hakim may implement hormone balancing, dietary changes, supplements, lifestyle modifications, or alternative therapies, to restore balance and promote long-term health, vitality and well-being.

Men’s Functional Medicine Doctors: Empowering Patients

Men’s functional medicine doctors prioritize patient education and empowerment. They collaborate with men to understand their health goals and challenges, encouraging active participation in each man’s wellness journey. This collaborative relationship empowers men to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle, fostering a sense of ownership over their well-being.

The men’s functional medicine approach at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI, transcends conventional medical practices. It involves working with the patient to identify any and all areas of their life that “aren’t working” – physical, mental, sexual, and even appearance concerns – so that the man can get his life back on track and enjoy every day now and for years to come.

Conditions Men’s Functional Medicine Doctors Treat

Cardiac & Cardiovascular Disease

Men face a significantly higher risk of heart disease and heart attacks than women. Functional medicine doctors like Dr. Hakim in Royal Oak specialize in advanced cardiac health techniques such as the Bale-Doneen Method, which focuses on preventing heart attacks through early detection and personalized treatment.

Metabolic Syndrome

Functional medicine addresses metabolic syndrome comprehensively. By examining factors like insulin resistance, obesity, and high blood pressure, doctors create personalized plans to improve metabolic health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases including heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes.

Sexual Performance & Health

Declining testosterone levels, often referred to as “Low T,” can impact sexual performance and overall vitality.  At Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI, functional medicine doctor Nishath Hakim offers Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) to address low testosterone and other hormonal imbalances – enhancing sexual health, increasing sexual drive, and improving sexual performance.

Weight Loss

Functional medicine doctors specializing in men’s health recognize the importance of weight management. BHRT not only improves sexual health, but also helps men lose unwanted body fat while also increasing lean muscle mass.

And, given the prevalence of obesity-related conditions, Dr. Hakim also often incorporates cutting-edge weight loss treatments like Semaglutide (known by brand names Ozempic and Wegovy). This medication helps in weight loss by reducing appetite and regulating blood sugar levels.

Men’s functional medicine doctor Nishath Hakim, MD works closely with male patients to develop personalized weight loss plans that go beyond generic advice, addressing the unique, individual underlying factors that are contributing to their weight gain.

Stress Management

Stress is a significant factor in men’s health, impacting both physical and mental well-being. DR. Hakim also assists her male patients with stress management strategies that encompass lifestyle modifications, mindfulness practices, and, when necessary, targeted supplements or medications. Addressing stress comprehensively contributes to overall health, by reducing the risk of stress-related conditions such as inflammation and other imbalances that lead to disease.

Gut Health & Vitality / Energy

Functional Medicine doctors understand the crucial role that gut health plays in overall vitality and energy levels. At Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI, functional medicine doctor Nishath Hakim conducts comprehensive testing, such as Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GMAP), to assess the gut microbiome. By identifying food intolerances, nutritional imbalances, and problems with the gut biome she can create a tailored plan to optimize gut health. This, in turn, positively influences energy levels, vitality, and overall health.

Younger Appearance

Recognizing that looking as good on the outside as you feel on the inside is an important component of well-being, Dr. Hakim also offers a range of natural men’s aesthetic treatments. From dermal fillers like Juvéderm, to Botox and Xeomin, to Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy and microneedling, Prosperity Health provides men options to address wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Men’s Functional Medicine Doctor | Royal Oak

Men’s functional medicine doctor Nishath Hakim, MD does not just manage symptoms – she optimizes the body’s entire system so that everything functions in balance. Beginning with comprehensive diagnostic testing and then developing a personalized treatment plan – from weight management to stress reduction, testosterone replacement, and gut health optimization – Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI, is committed to providing personalized men’s healthcare that empowers you to prevent disease and achieve your health and wellness goals – so you can live with vitality at every age.

Men’s Doctor | Royal Oak: 248-997-4242


Integrative Medicine Doctors Provide Specialized Men’s Healthcare

Men’s Healthcare Needs Differ from Women’s

You’ve heard the saying “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” … well, nowhere is that more true than in the realm of healthcare. The unique healthcare needs of men often differ significantly from those of women. Yet many doctors simply offer a one-size-fits all approach to men’s health.

At the heart of integrative medicine is the ideology of 100% individualized healthcare – treating each patient as a unique individual with customized treatment plans.

Dr. Nishath Hakim, an esteemed integrated medicine doctor at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, is dedicated to providing specialized men’s healthcare tailored specifically to the needs of male patients. In this article, we explore why men’s healthcare demands a distinct approach. And we delve into the advantages of seeking comprehensive healthcare services offered by integrative medical providers like Doctor Hakim in Royal Oak.

Men Are More Likely to Ignore Their Health

Statistics reveal a concerning trend: men are significantly more likely to overlook their health concerns than women. According to various health organizations, men are less likely to schedule regular check-ups and are often more hesitant to address health issues promptly.

A 2017 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that men were less likely than women to have seen a healthcare provider in the past year for a preventive care visit. More specifically, research conducted by the American Cancer Society found that men were more likely than women to delay seeking treatment for cancer. The study found that 23% of men delayed seeking treatment for cancer, compared to 17% of women.

A 2020 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that men were less likely than women to have a regular doctor or healthcare provider. The study found that 78% of women had a regular doctor or healthcare provider, compared to 67% of men. And the National Institute on Aging found that men were less likely than women to talk to their doctor about their health. The study found that 54% of men had talked to their doctor about their health in the past year, compared to 66% of women.

Dr. Nishath Hakim in Royal Oak aims to shift the men’s healthcare narrative by offering a comfortable and specialized environment where men can openly discuss and manage their health concerns and obtain personalized medical treatment.

Men’s Disease Prevention Doctor

Specialized men’s doctors focus not only on treating diseases that are common in male patients, but also on preventing them. Three top areas addressed by men’s integrative medicine specialist include cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and hormone decline.

Men’s Heart Disease Doctors

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. However, men are more likely than women to develop heart disease. In 2020, about 11.6% of men had heart disease, compared to 8.8% of women. Men are also more likely than women to have a heart attack. In 2020, about 346,100 men had a first heart attack, compared to 232,000 women.

Men are also more 25% more likely than women to die from heart disease. In 2020, about 258,000 men died from heart disease, compared to 201,900 women.

Dr. Hakim specializes in preventing cardiovascular issues through the Bale-Doneen Method, a personalized approach to heart attack and stroke prevention. This method involves in-depth risk assessments and focuses on early detection and prevention strategies tailored to each patient.

Men’s Metabolic Syndrome Doctors

Metabolic syndrome is a group of five conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems. These conditions include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess abdominal fat, abnormal cholesterol levels, and increased waist circumference. There are approximately 29 million adult men in the United States with metabolic syndrome.

Addressing metabolic syndrome is another key aspect of men’s integrative medicine doctors. By providing comprehensive assessments and personalized treatment plans, Dr. Hakim helps men mitigate the risks associated with metabolic syndrome, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Men’s Hormone Replacement Doctor

Testosterone levels in men decline gradually but significantly as a man ages. This process is known as “andropause”. Testosterone levels in men typically begin to decline gradually in their mid-30s, with about a 1-2% reduction per year.

Physically, low testosterone levels in men may cause reduced energy levels, fatigue, and a decline in muscle mass and strength. Sexual health can also be profoundly affected by “Low T”, leading to a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, and diminished overall sexual performance. Emotional well-being is also impacted by men’s hormone decline, with symptoms including irritability, mood swings, and a heightened risk of depression.

Men with low testosterone may notice changes in body composition, such as increased body fat, particularly around the abdomen. Additionally, there may be cognitive effects, such as difficulty concentrating and memory issues.

Many traditional internists, family doctors, or general practitioners simple address individual symptoms – often with a pill – without diagnosing and remedying the underlying hormone deficiency responsible for these problems.

Recognizing the pivotal role hormones play in virtual all aspects of men’s health, specialized men’s integrative medicine doctors offer hormone balancing services. This is crucial for maintaining overall well-being, energy levels, sexual performance, mental clarity, and other issues related to testosterone decline.

Men’s health specialist Dr. Nishath Hakim specializes in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to address the many issues associated with hormone insufficiency. By customizing BHRT treatment plans, she is able enhance men’s sexual health, prevent disease, increase vitality, assist with weight loss, and greatly improve a man’s overall quality of life.

Men’s Medical Aesthetics Doctor

A men’s integrative medicine specialist will also recognize that it is important for men to look as good as they feel! Dr. Hakim extends her expertise to medical aesthetics, offering services like men’s Botox (aka Brotox) and dermal fillers than can take years off a man’s appearance. These non-invasive aesthetic procedures available at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak are performed in a discreet and private environment – helping men reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Dr. Hakim also specializes in Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy coupled with microneedling. These natural cellular rejuvenation treatments aid in the reduction of acne or other scars, minimizes wrinkles, and promotes skin revitalization.

Specialized Men’s Doctors | Royal Oak

If you are a man in the Royal Oak or greater Oakland County area, don’t wait until it’s too late to see a doctor. Specialized men’s healthcare services at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak don’t just treat health issues – they can prevent them.

With a comprehensive approach encompassing disease prevention, sexual health, weight management, hormone balancing, medical aesthetics, and more, Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak offers personalized healthcare for the whole man. By addressing the unique health needs of men and fostering a comfortable and discreet environment of open communication, Dr. Hakim is committed to helping men achieve optimal health and well-being at every age.

Schedule a specialized men’s doctors appointment at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak today  – and take control of your health so you will live with health and vitality now and for years to come.

Men’s Doctor | Royal Oak: 248-997-4242


Treating Metabolic Syndrome: Reverse Weight Gain, Heart Disease, Diabetes & More

Naturally Treating Metabolic Syndrome: Lose Weight Gain, Reverse Heart Disease & More

Many patients come to Prosperity Health in Royal Oak because they are facing more and more health issues as they get older – and they are finally at a place where they are ready to take their life back and live with wellness and vitality “before it’s too late.”

Weight gain, heart disease, cholesterol issues, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes – these are common health concerns that many American men and women face. But these are NOT just natural or normal effects of aging! What many people do not realize is that these seemingly unrelated conditions can often be interconnected and part of a cluster of diseases known as metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Nishath Hakim of Prosperity Health in the Royal Oak, MI area is dedicated to diagnosing and treating metabolic syndrome comprehensively, addressing not just its individual components but the underlying causes as well. She helps her patients take control of their total health – so they can prevent or reverse disease and live life to the fullest at every age.

What Is Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is not a single disease but a collection of medical conditions that tend to occur together. The presence of three or more of these conditions in an individual can indicate metabolic syndrome.

Abdominal Obesity

Abdominal obesity, also known as visceral fat accumulation, is a condition characterized by an excessive build-up of fat around the belly. This condition is closely linked to metabolic syndrome and is often considered one of its central components.

The accumulation of fat in the abdominal area can lead to an increase in waist circumference and contributes to a higher risk of various health issues. Abdominal obesity is typically caused by a combination of factors, including poor dietary choices, a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, and genetics. High levels of visceral fat are associated with insulin resistance, inflammation, and the release of harmful substances into the bloodstream, all of which contribute to the development of metabolic syndrome and its associated health risks.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that often goes hand in hand with metabolic syndrome. It involves elevated blood pressure levels, which can strain the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Hypertension is closely related to metabolic syndrome because several factors associated with the syndrome can contribute to high blood pressure. These factors include insulin resistance, which can impair blood vessel function, excessive abdominal fat, and hormonal imbalances that affect blood pressure regulation. The chronic inflammation associated with metabolic syndrome can also damage blood vessels, making them less flexible and more prone to constricting, which further raises blood pressure.

High Blood Sugar (Insulin Resistance) & Type 2 Diabetes

High blood sugar, often linked to insulin resistance, is a central component of metabolic syndrome and plays a pivotal role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance occurs when the body’s cells become less responsive to the hormone insulin, which is essential for regulating blood sugar levels. As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin to compensate, leading to elevated blood sugar levels.

Over time, this can progress to pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. The relationship between high blood sugar and metabolic syndrome is bidirectional, as each condition exacerbates the other. High blood sugar contributes to the development of metabolic syndrome, and the presence of metabolic syndrome makes it more challenging for the body to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Therefore, addressing insulin resistance is crucial in preventing both metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

High Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels, characterized by elevated triglycerides and low HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, are common features of metabolic syndrome. Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the bloodstream, and high levels can increase the risk of heart disease. Low HDL cholesterol, often referred to as “good” cholesterol, is associated with reduced cardiovascular protection.

In metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and other underlying factors lead to dyslipidemia, an abnormal lipid profile characterized by high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol. Insulin resistance impairs the body’s ability to properly regulate lipids, resulting in increased triglyceride production and decreased HDL cholesterol clearance. These lipid abnormalities contribute to atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in the arteries, and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

Diagnosing Metabolic Syndrome

Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak diagnoses metabolic syndrome with a holistic “whole person” approach that involves assessing multiple factors, including waist circumference, blood pressure, fasting glucose levels, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol levels.

Rather than just treat each individual disease separately, Dr. Hakim employs a thorough and comprehensive evaluation process to identify and confirm the presence of metabolic syndrome – so she can treat the underlying problems.

Treating and Reversing Metabolic Syndrome

Lifestyle Changes to Treat (and Reverse) Metabolic Syndrome

Addressing the underlying causes of metabolic syndrome through lifestyle changes and, in some cases, hormone therapy, can help manage hypertension and reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as reverse insulin resistance and inflammation that contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes and other life-threatening medical conditions.

The good news is that metabolic syndrome is often preventable and reversible through lifestyle modifications. Dr. Hakim will work with patients to help them adopt a holistic approach that includes:

  • Healthy Eating: Emphasizing a balanced diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, and vegetables.
  • Regular Physical Activity: Incorporating exercise into daily routines to improve fitness levels and manage weight.
  • Stress Management: Employing stress reduction techniques to help manage cortisol levels and mitigate the effects of chronic stress.
  • Smoking Cessation: Quitting smoking, if applicable, to reduce cardiovascular risks.

Hormone Therapy to Treat & Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors, including hormonal imbalances. Dr. Nishath Hakim at Prosperity Health in the Royal Oak, MI area recognizes the importance of addressing these underlying hormonal issues in the treatment and reversal of metabolic syndrome.

One highly effective approach Dr. Nishath Hakim employs to treat and reverse metabolic syndrome is the use of 100% natural Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) pellet therapy. BHRT involves the use of hormones that are identical in molecular structure to those naturally produced by the body.

BHRT pellet therapy helps address hormonal imbalances that can contribute to metabolic syndrome, such as insulin resistance and abnormal cortisol levels. By optimizing hormone levels, patients can experience improved metabolic function, enhanced weight management, and a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Several recent research studies have shed light on the inextricable relationship between hormonal fluctuations/decline and metabolic syndrome. These studies show that hormonal imbalances, including disruptions in insulin, cortisol, and sex hormones, can exacerbate the components of metabolic syndrome, such as insulin resistance, and high blood pressure. The research also shows that BHRT can positively influence lipid profiles, improving triglyceride levels and increasing HDL cholesterol.

BHRT pellet therapy, offered by Dr. Hakim in Royal Oak, provides a targeted and personalized solution to rebalance hormones, addressing the root causes of metabolic syndrome.  Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a form of hormone therapy that uses hormones identical in structure to those naturally produced by the body. This precision allows for optimized hormonal levels, which can positively impact metabolic function. For instance, in cases of insulin resistance, BHRT can help improve insulin sensitivity, promoting better blood sugar control. Moreover, hormone therapy can address cortisol imbalances, helping to manage stress and reduce its harmful effects on metabolic health.

Hormone Therapy for Metabolic Syndrome | Royal Oak, MI

At Prosperity Health, Dr. Hakim tailors her treatments to each patient’s unique needs, ensuring a personalized approach to metabolic syndrome treatment. By addressing both the lifestyle issues and the hormonal imbalances associated with metabolic syndrome, she offers a promising avenue to not only manage but potentially reverse this complex condition.

Dr. Hakim’s commitment is to holistic and effective treatments that promote overall health and well-being for her patients in the Royal Oak, MI area – helping patients regain their health and vitality, and reducing the risks associated with the complex cluster of metabolic syndrome diseases.

Metabolic Syndrome | Royal Oak, MI: 248-997-4242

Naturally Preventing Heart Disease Starts in the Mouth!

BaleDoneen Method Naturally Helps Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death and illness in the world. It is estimated that one in four people in the US dies from heart disease each year, making cardiac illness something that every American should be concerned about. The traditional approach to heart disease prevention has been to focus on lifestyle changes – such as a healthy diet and regular exercise – combined with strong medications, to lower risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity.

However, the BaleDoneen Method, now available at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, offers a new and innovative approach to heart disease prevention that is backed by scientific research and has been shown to be highly effective. This method of heart disease prevention can, in many cases, even replace the need for harsh medications with dangerous or unpleasant side effects.

The BaleDoneen Method of Heart Disease Prevention

The BaleDoneen Method was developed by Dr. Brad Bale and Dr. Amy Doneen, two renowned cardiologists and researchers who specialize in the prevention of heart disease. The method was developed based on their extensive research and clinical experience and is based on a two-pronged approach to heart disease prevention: periodontal therapy and arterial therapy.

Gum disease has been shown to be a risk factor for heart disease. Periodontal therapy focuses on the health of the gums.  The BaleDoneen Method involves thorough dental cleanings and treatments to improve gum health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Arterial therapy focuses on the health of the arteries, which are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The BaleDoneen Method involves regular assessments of arterial health and the use of targeted treatments, such as medication and lifestyle changes, to improve arterial health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Healthy Gums & Preventing Heart Disease

The relationship between gum disease and heart disease is well-established. Numerous clinical studies have shown that gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a significant risk factor for heart disease. The link between gum disease and heart disease is due to the presence of bacteria in the mouth that contribute to inflammation in the body, which is a known risk factor for heart disease. The specific bacteria that contribute to heart disease are known as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia.

These bacteria cause inflammation in the mouth by infecting the gums and causing ‘periodontitis’ or gum disease. The bacteria can then enter the bloodstream from the gums and cause inflammation in other parts of the body, including the arteries. This inflammation in the arteries can lead to the buildup of plaque, which can narrow the arteries and increase the risk of heart disease.

Treatments to reduce periodontal causes of heart disease include regular dental cleanings, treatments to improve gum health, and the use of antibiotics to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth. Antibiotics can be used to target specific bacteria, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia, that are known to contribute to heart disease.

The BaleDoneen method focuses on treating and preventing gum disease to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Regular dental checkups and cleanings, along with targeted treatments such as antibiotics, can help reduce periodontal causes of heart disease and improve overall heart health. By helping patients take care of their oral health, the BaleDoneen Method can reduce the risk of heart disease and improvemen and women’s overall health and well-being.Top of Form

Ideal Candidates for BaleDoneen Method of Preventing Heart Disease

The BaleDoneen Method is ideal for anyone who is concerned about their risk of heart disease and wants to take a proactive approach to prevention. It is particularly well-suited for people with a family history of heart disease, those with high risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, and those who have already been diagnosed with heart disease or have had a heart attack.

Why BaleDoneen is a Superior Method of Heart Disease Prevention

The BaleDoneen Method is a superior method of heart disease prevention for several reasons. Firstly, it takes a comprehensive approach to heart disease prevention, addressing both periodontal health and arterial health. This comprehensive approach has been shown to be more effective than traditional approaches that only focus on lifestyle changes.

Secondly, the BaleDoneen Method is personalized to each individual, taking into account their specific risk factors, medical history, and lifestyle. This personalized approach allows for a tailored treatment plan that is designed to meet the unique needs of each individual, making it more effective than one-size-fits-all approaches.

Thirdly, the BaleDoneen Method is based on the latest scientific research and has been shown to be highly effective in reducing the risk of heart disease. In clinical trials, patients who followed the BaleDoneen Method experienced significant improvements in their heart health, including lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, and reduced risk of heart disease.

Heart Disease Prevention Doctor | Royal Oak, MI

Heart disease affect and kills millions of people worldwide. The BaleDoneen Method, now offered at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI, offers a new and innovative approach to heart disease prevention that is based on the latest scientific research and has been shown to be highly effective.

This method takes a comprehensive, integrative, and personalized approach to heart disease prevention, addressing both periodontal health and arterial health, and has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. And, in many cases, this method can replace the need for medications that can have unpleasant and even dangerous side effects.

If you’re concerned about your risk of heart disease, schedule an appointment at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI to discuss the BaleDoneen Method as a safe and effective way to improve your heart health and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Heart Disease Prevention Doctor | Royal Oak, MI: 248-997-4242