low testosterone hormone therapy - royal oak park

How to Know if You Have Low Testosterone

Top 10 Signs of Low Testosterone & How to Treat It – 

Testosterone is an “androgen” (male sex hormone) that is most often associated with libido and sexual performance in men. But testosterone also affects everything from male appearance to a man’s risk of serious disease. Testosterone helps build muscle and regulate weight gain and the distribution of body fat. It also influences hair growth or loss and helps lower the risk of developing serious illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes.

Unfortunately, as men age, their bodies begin to produce less and less testosterone. Androgen production declines by about 1% per year after age 30. Statistics on low testosterone vary, but it is generally agreed that almost 40 percent of men aged 45 years and older suffer from some degree of low testosterone.

According to information published by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 12 percent of men in their 50s, 19 percent of men in their 60s, 28 percent in their 70s, and 49 of men percent in their 80s suffer from low testosterone.

Fortunately, Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI, now offers advanced, 100% natural, clinically tested and FDA approved low testosterone treatment in the form of BioTe time-released bioidentical hormone replacement pellets. In this article, we discuss 10 of the most common signs and symptoms that a man may be suffering from low testosterone.

 Low Testosterone Sign #1: Decreased Sex Drive

A man’s sex drive – or “libido” – is governed in large part by his testosterone levels. As a result, many men experience a reduced sex drive as they get older and start to lose testosterone.

The good news is that most men who suffer from low testosterone can restore their libido with safe, simple, natural, and convenient hormone replacement therapy pellets offered at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI.

Low Testosterone Sign #2:  Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Testosterone not only increases libido in men, but sufficient testosterone levels are also needed to achieve and maintain an erection. While testosterone is not the sole cause of erections, it does play an important role in activating receptors in the brain that cause arousal and facilitate erection. In fact, recent clinical research studies have shown that as many as one in three men who seek medical treatment for erectile dysfunction have low testosterone levels.

However, it is important to note that there are other medical causes that can cause erectile dysfunction, in addition to low testosterone. For this reason, men should not try to self-medicate if they have erectile dysfunction. Dr. Hakim will precisely measure patients’ testosterone levels with comprehensive blood tests to determine if low testosterone is the cause of their erectile dysfunction.

If you have been experiencing difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection – and your blood work shows a testosterone deficiency – safe, easy, natural BioTe testosterone replacement therapy can be added to your medical treatment plan to help restore your sex life.

Low Testosterone Sign #3: Low Semen Volume

If you notice that your sperm amount seems reduced when you ejaculate, this could be another sign you are suffering from low testosterone. When testosterone levels drop below normal amounts, decreased sperm production can occur. This can also directly affect fertility.

If your sperm volume has noticeably decreased and/or you are having trouble conceiving a child, Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak can conduct blood tests to evaluate your testosterone levels.

Low Testosterone Sign #4: Smaller Penis or Testicle Size

Both the penis and the testicles require testosterone to develop properly. So, men with low testosterone levels may have smaller genitalia than average. At our Royal Oak, MI area medical office, many of our patients with low testosterone levels have reported that their testicle size has appeared to decrease – and/or they think they may have smaller-than-average sized testicles.

Of course, other medical factors may also cause the testicles to shrink. For this reason, it is important to never self-medicate. Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak can conduct thorough testing to give patients an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

 Low Testosterone Sign #5: Hair Loss

Hair growth and follicle health are also affected by testosterone. Most men experience some form of scalp baldness as they get older, which is most often hereditary. However, men with low testosterone may suffer from facial and body hair loss.

Hair loss on the face, chest, or body, may be another sign of “low testosterone.” At Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI Dr. Hakim can diagnose testosterone-related hair loss and treat it with hormone replacement therapy before it gets worse.

Low Testosterone Sign #6: Fatigue & Low Energy

Low testosterone levels are also known to significantly lower a person’s energy levels. If you’re too tired to work out, engage in sports, or enjoy activities like you used to, low testosterone may be the culprit.

If you are feeling tired and lethargic despite getting regular sleep and eating well, Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak can conduct a blood test to determine if your energy deficit is due to low testosterone or some other cause.

Low Testosterone Sign #7: You Have a Dad Bod

If you’ve lost muscle mass, packed on soft fat, and have developed the dreaded “Dad Bod” it may be the result of low testosterone. Clinical studies have shown that low testosterone levels can lead to loss of muscle mass. To add insult to injury, low testosterone levels can also cause fat to be distributed around the abdomen and chest. And in some cases, imbalanced testosterone/estrogen levels can even lead to dreaded “man boobs.”

When a man comes Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, blood tests are done to determine if his testosterone levels out of balance. If so, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can often help restore a more youthful and masculine body.

 Low Testosterone Sign #8: Broken Bones (Low Bone Density)

Osteoporosis is not just a woman’s disease. More than 8 million men in the United States suffer from low bone mass. And men with low testosterone are much more likely to have osteoporosis.

If you have broken one or more bones, it may be an indication of bone loss, due to testosterone deficiency. Fortunately, for most men who are suffering from osteoporosis who are hormone deficient, testosterone therapy is a very effective treatment for naturally increasing bone density (without harsh medications).

Low Testosterone Sign #9: Mood & Memory Problems

Testosterone also affects mental functioning – including mood and memory – in men. Clinical studies show that men with low testosterone are more prone to irritability, poor concentration, memory problems, and even depression. While many men may blame mood and memory issues on “stress” or “getting older” the real cause is often a testosterone deficiency.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI can often help restore a man’s mental functioning, alertness and memory. Additionally, hormone replacement therapy has been shown in clinical studies to help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Low Testosterone Sign #10: Anemia

Male patients with low testosterone levels also have an increased risk of developing anemia. And signs of anemia may include dizziness, increased heart rate, leg cramps, shortness of breath, fatigue, trouble sleeping, and difficulty concentrating. Since many other medical conditions can cause these symptoms, many men do not realize that low testosterone is the underlying cause.

But the Journal of the American Medical Association recently reported that men suffering from low testosterone who were anemic experienced significant improvement after receiving testosterone replacement therapy!

 Low Testosterone Treatment – Top Royal Oak, MI Doctor

Testosterone impacts nearly every aspect of male well-being from libido and sexual performance to physical appearance changes and cognitive issues. But because the decline in male testosterone occurs gradually over time, unlike the dramatic hormonal changes of menopause, many men are unaware that their symptoms are due to “Low T”.

A thorough blood test by hormone replacement specialist Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak can tell you if low testosterone is at the root of your physical, mental, or sexual symptoms. If so, BioTe bioidentical hormone therapy pellets can return your testosterone to optimal levels naturally.

Results can be seen within just a few days and one single in-office treatment lasts up to 6 months – with NO pills, gels, patches or shots! Schedule a consultation today and see if natural BioTe hormone replacement therapy can help you get your life (and your sex life!) back on track!

Low Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy | Royal Oak: 248.997.4242