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Holistic Doctors’ Approach to Improving Women’s Sexual Health

How Doctors Improve Women’s Sexual Health with Integrative Medicine

Most women will experience a low sex drive, discomfort during sex, and even loss of sexual sensation at various times in their life. While this is more common as a woman gets older (due to menopausal hormone decline), it is important to understand that lifestyle, underlying medical conditions, certain medications, psychological factors, or surgery can cause also cause sexual problems and dysfunction in women, affecting their libido, vaginal health, comfort during intercourse, sexual sensation, and orgasms.

Sadly, women often think that loss of sex drive, decreased sexual enjoyment, and/or pain during sex is something they have to “learn to live with.” But this could not be further from the truth!

In this article, the women’s sexual health doctor at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI will our holistic or ‘integrative’ approach to improving women’s sexual health – so that every woman can enjoy a satisfy and fulfilling sex life at every age.

Causes of Women’s Sexual Health Problems

Sexual problems and dysfunction in women can have a variety of causes, including lifestyle, nutrition, stress, medical conditions, and of course hormone deficiency or decline. Each of these factors can affect a woman’s sexual health and function in different ways.

Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI is an integrative medicine doctor – which means she focuses on the whole person rather than just treating specific symptoms. She will work with each patient to diagnose the root cause of a woman’s sexual health problems. This includes using the most advanced techniques – including blood tests for hormone imbalance and GI-MAP gut health assessment.  She then helps the patient employ a variety of approaches to promote healing, including nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, supplements, and other forms of complementary medicine – as well as natural hormone replacement or other medications only if necessary.

Hormone Deficiency & Women’s Sexual Health

Hormone deficiency, particularly low levels of estrogen, can also contribute to sexual problems and dysfunction in women. Testing for hormone imbalance is one of the first steps that Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI will undertake when assessing sexual problems in women.

Estrogen is important for maintaining vaginal health, lubrication, and sensitivity. Low levels of estrogen can lead to vaginal dryness, discomfort during intercourse, and reduced libido. Hormone deficiency can occur naturally during menopause or as a result of medical conditions or treatments such as chemotherapy or surgical removal of the ovaries.

If hormone deficiency is at the root of a woman’s sexual health problems, Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI can prescribe 100% natural, bioidentical hormone replacement pellets. Learn More About HRT Pellets HERE

Medical Conditions & Women’s Sexual Health

Medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can also contribute to sexual problems and dysfunction in women. These conditions can damage blood vessels and nerves, affecting blood flow and sensation. Chronic pain conditions such as arthritis can also lead to sexual problems and dysfunction.

If a woman has a medical condition that is impacting her sexual health, such as pre-diabetes, diabetes, or high blood pressure, a holistic doctor like Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI can work with her to manage the condition and improve overall health. By addressing the underlying condition, sexual function typically improves as well!

Lifestyle Factors & Women’s Sexual Health

Lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, excess weight, improper diet, and lack of exercise can contribute to sexual problems and dysfunction in women. Smoking can lead to reduced blood flow and damage to blood vessels, which can affect sexual function. Excessive alcohol consumption can impair the ability to become aroused and reach orgasm. Lack of exercise can contribute to being overweight, which is also associated with sexual dysfunction.

Nutrition can also play a role in sexual problems and dysfunction in women. A diet high in saturated and trans fats can increase the risk of heart disease and blood vessel damage, which can affect sexual function. A diet low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can also contribute to poor health and reduced sexual function.

A holistic, integrative medicine doctor like Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI can work with women to identify lifestyle factors that may be contributing to their sexual problems, such as smoking, lack of exercise, or poor sleep habits. Dr. Hakim can provide actual help (not a lecture) making positive lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, and managing stress.

Royal Oak women’s sexual health doctor Nishath Hakim, MD can also address nutritional deficiencies that may be impacting a woman’s sexual health. She can recommend a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. She may also prescribe specific supplements that can support sexual health, such as those containing the right combinations of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and magnesium.

Stress Management & Women’s Sexual Health

Additionally, stress can impact mood and emotional well-being, leading to conditions such as mental exhaustion, depression, and anxiety, which can further exacerbate sexual problems. Many wives, moms, bosses, daughters, and hardworking women are under tremendous stress that can impact sexual health.  A holistic, integrative medicine doctor like Dr. Hakim at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI can offer actual help managing stress in several ways.

She can work with women to identify lifestyle factors that may be contributing to stress, such as a lack of sleep, poor diet, or overwork. She can also help women explore mind-body practices such as meditation and yoga which can be effective in reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Royal Oak women’s sexual health doctor Nishath Hakim, MD can also prescribe supplements and herbs that can be effective in naturally managing stress, such as magnesium, ashwagandha, and valerian root. And if, together, you determine that counseling and therapy may be effective in addressing any underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to sexual problems, Dr. Hakim can connect the patient with a qualified therapist as needed.

Women’s Sexual Health Doctor | Royal Oak, MI

A woman’s sexuality is extremely complex and is governed by much more than just hormones. Lifestyle factors, nutrition, underlying medical conditions, and stress – as well as hormone deficiency – can all contribute to sexual problems and dysfunction in women.

Women’s sexual health doctor Nishath Hakim, MD at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI can help women improve their sexual health with integrative medicine that addresses the root causes of their problems. By taking a comprehensive approach to women’s sexual health she can improve vaginal health, increase sexual drive and enjoyment, enhance orgasmic function, and eliminate pain during intercourse.

Contact the women’s sexual health doctor at Prosperity Health in Royal Oak, MI and we will help you enjoy sexual intimacy and pleasure at any age.

Women’s Sexual Health Doctor | Royal Oak, MI: 248-997-4242